Check out these other amazing TCK resources!

As we often say, everyone contributes something special. Therefore, we’ve collected some of our favorite TCK sites and resources for you to explore.

Disclaimer: The recommended resources do not necessarily represent the personal views of the staff members at TCKs for Christ.

Light Unto Darkness is a website for Christian teens and third culture kids to meet and encourage each other in their community. They also have articles, blogs, real-life short stories, and videos made by MKs & TCKs! You can even post your own content!”

Truth4TCKs is an online conference that strives to bring biblical truth and encouragement regarding the cross-cultural and highly mobile life to teenaged and young adult TCKs – especially those that may not have easy access to it. Our speakers come from all backgrounds: diplomatic, military, business, ministry and more.”

“The blog collective, A Life Overseas, provides content and connection for Christ-following global workers, their families, and their support networks. Whether you are new to the mission field, thinking of moving internationally, or have already spent years on foreign soil, you are welcome here.”

TCK VOF, a podcast, is a collection of stories to help Christ-followers understand their Third Culture Kid friends and family. We also want to help the family of God by offering a new way of thinking about cultures.”

TCK Training comes alongside parents and sending entities around the world, equipping, encouraging, and empowering them to raise up healthy Third Culture Kids by providing excellent workshops, trainings, curriculums, and debriefing services.”

“Megan Norton is an Adult TCK (who has lived in 10 countries and 5 U.S. states!), writer, podcast host, and speaker who designs and delivers socio-emotional programming tailored to globally mobile families and youth. Megan hosts workshops and webinars for TCK teens and TCK university students. Megan has a forthcoming book for TCKs called Belonging Beyond Borders. Her website is Adult Third Culture Kid.”

CultTureMiks a website for art made by TCKs, for TCKs, and about the TCK experience. There are a variety of mediums represented, including spoken word poetry, documentaries, and songs; and all submissions are welcomed!”