

what is this feeling of loss?

love hurts.

it hurts

to love a person

a friend

that i only spent a week of my life with

it hurts to go through cherished pictures and think

“i’ll never see her again”

it hurts to wonder

is she still in that village?

did she die of some disease?

did she get married and have two or three kids by now?

did she get to pursue education as she wished?

is she in a university somewhere struggling with not fitting in?

i can relate.

it hurts, this heartache.

it hurts to hold a person in your heart

and to wonder if she knows—

even if i never see her again—

i still love her.

it hurts too to love a place

the land, the weather, the culture

and all the memories it represents

to hold it in your heart

because places are big

and physically far away—

so where does that leave my heart?

it hurts too to love someone so much

who’s right in front of me

who understands best this feeling

of being far away from home

of being confused at how much it can hurt

at how a few years can change a life

it hurts to see her, to think of her every day

to greet her

to recall all the love we shared

to see her smile

to know what her facial expressions mean

but to be a friend of the past

on the long list of those she greets warmly

no longer on the short list of those who share in her heart.

it hurts to look at a photo

to remember the feeling i had when it was taken

to wish with all my might i could go back there

to know i can’t.

it’s a heaviness in the chest

a brimming of the eyes,

a distance in the mind

at a picture, a look, a word

a resemblance to my own story, my own memories, my own loves.

it even hurts when people are so interested

because they care

to hear my story, my memories, my loves

because it hurts not to be there

it hurts to remember

it hurts to love.

it hurts to smile and let them into my story, my memories, my loves

that made me smile

because i can transmit information about how it looked

how it smelled

what she did

what she said

how i felt—

but i can’t transmit love or the pain

and besides, love hurts—

i wouldn’t want to transmit the pain.

so i smile when you ask

and i share enthusiastically

with a faraway look in my eyes

and foreign words slipping from my tongue

because i’m glad to share my loves

so i smile in remembrance

but my heart weeps

because it hurts to love.

but just like when I really cry

my tears don’t leave a trace,

even though my heart aches.

Chana bio pic
TCKs for Christ: Newsletter Manager


is a TCK from America who spent half of her childhood in Indonesia along with her parents and seven younger siblings. She’s passionate about learning new things and seeing the beauty in differences. In her free time, she likes to read, play board games, talk, laugh, write poetry, joke, and meet new people. She’s also a student at Moody Bible Institute, working towards her bachelor’s in Linguistics and Teaching English.

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